How To Save A Blender File As A PNG

PNG is suitable for saving high-quality images with alpha (transparency) channels for post-processing and composition. So lets take a look at how we can export our render in blender as a PNG step by step.

How to Save your Blender Render as PNG

Set Up the Render: Prepare your scene for rendering, You can further tweak the lighting, materials and camera as well.

Go to Output Properties: Change the file format to PNG in Output Properties tab. If you need an alpha, use RGBA instead.

Adjust Compression Settings: Under the file format settings, you set Compression level for PNG. Higher quality images will result in bigger file size due to a lower compression value.

Render the Image: F12 decision to generate the image Blender will create the image according to your current rendered settings.

Save the Image: When the render is finished, head to the Image menu in the top-left of the Image Editor and select Save As to choose where you want to save your image. Be sure to save as a PNG file type.

With these steps you can export your Blender renders as high quality PNG images with ease.

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